Connecting • Embracing • Transforming
About The Gala
Live Out Loud’s Young Trailblazers Gala is our annual event where we bring together 400 donors, corporate supporters, elected officials and youth scholarship winners to celebrate Live Out Loud’s life-affirming educational programming for LGBTQ+ youth. At the event, we will honor advocates in the community who further our mission, and we will be awarding $5,000 scholarships to high school seniors for their leadership in the LGBTQ community – our favorite moment of the evening.

When and Where
Monday, May 20, 2024
Chelsea Piers, THE LIGHTHOUSE, Pier 61, 23rd Street & Westside Highway, NYC
Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres: 6:00 – 7:00PM
Presentation & Awards Ceremony: 7:00 – 8:00PM
Reception & Buffet Dinner: 8:00-10:00PM
Online Ticket Sales
Early-Bird tickets are $275 through April 9th, 2024.
Tickets are $325 after April 9th, 2024.
Online Ticket Sales Close on Friday, May 17th, 2024 End-Of-Day
Tickets will be sold at the front door at $350.
Chelsea Piers, THE LIGHTHOUSE, Pier 61, 23rd Street & Westside Highway, NYC
Sponsorship Levels
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- Naming rights for the Gala, “Presented by” on all event collateral
- Recognized from podium as Presenting Sponsor of the Gala
- Opportunity to address the crowd
- 20 tickets to Gala
- Logo displayed on large screen at seated program in theater
- Logo on red carpet step-and-repeat
- Opportunity for engagement on Live Out Loud’s social media platforms
- Premium placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen at reception – 8 second display
- Opportunity for brand engagement on Live Out Loud website including video postings
- Logo with hyperlink on all online promotions including website and e-blasts
- Opportunity for product placement during the event
- Included in press release; CEO quoted
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 5 annual School Program – 40 student sessions
- Underwrites facilitation of 2 Teacher Workshops
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- Recognized from podium as Gold Sponsor at the Gala Reception
- 20 tickets to Gala
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, Social Media, E-blasts
- Logo displayed on large screen at seated program
- Opportunity for engagement on Live Out Loud’s social media platforms
- Premium placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen at reception – 6 second display
- Logo with hyperlink on website and e-blasts
- Opportunity for product placement during the event
- Included in press release
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 5 annual School Program – 40 student sessions
- Underwrites facilitation of 2 Teacher Workshops
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- Recognized from podium as Gold Sponsor at the Gala Reception
- 15 tickets to Gala
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, Social Media, E-blasts
- Logo displayed on large screen at seated program
- Opportunity for engagement on Live Out Loud’s social media platforms
- Premium placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen at reception – 5 second display
- Logo with hyperlink on website and e-blasts
- Included in press release
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 4 annual School Program – 32 student sessions
- Underwrites facilitation of 1 Teacher Workshop
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- Recognized from podium as Trailblazer Sponsor at the Gala
- 15 tickets to the Gala
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, Social Media, E-blasts
- Logo displayed on large screen at seated program
- Placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen at reception – 4 second display
- Logo with hyperlink on website and e-blasts
- Included in press release
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 3 annual School Program – 18 student sessions
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- 10 tickets to the Gala
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, Social Media, E-blasts
- Logo displayed on large screen at seated program
- Placement: Gala E-Journal looping on screen – 3 second display
- Included in press release
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 2 annual School Program – 16 student sessions
- Includes branding at Young Trailblazers Gala
- 10 tickets to the Gala & VIP Reception
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, E-blasts
- Placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen at reception – 2 second display
- Included in press release
- LGBTQ+ ERG engagement opportunities
- Underwrites 1 annual School Program – 8 student sessions
- 6 tickets to the Gala
- Branding: Invitation, Program, Signage, Website, E-blasts, Event Signage
- Placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen
- 4 tickets to the Gala
- Placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen
- Listing on website, Email Invitation and in Gala program
- 2 tickets to the Gala
- Placement in Gala E-Journal looping on screen
- Listing on website, Email Invitation and in Gala program
- 1 tickets to the Gala
- Listing on Email Invitation and on Gala program
- Individual Ticket to Gala
- Individual Ticket to Gala
- If you can’t make it to the Gala, or even if you can, purchase a $300 ticket for a teacher to attend.
- $25 – Provides 1 program class for 1 student
- $75 – Provides 1 program class for 3 students
- $100 – Provides 1 program class for 4 students
- $250 – Provides 1 program class for 10 students
- $500 – Provides 1 program class for 20 students
- Gala E-Journal will loop on screen at reception & emailed to Live Out Loud network (7000) (Provide logo in jpeg, or PowerPoint slide: 16:9, with the logo at scale.
- Jpeg resolution should be 100dpi (or greater) for screen resolution.)
- Ads due by Monday, April 18, 2022. For questions, please contact
Questions? Interested in Sponsorship. Please contact Leo Preziosi Jr.